This design uses the same SAS build system providing rapid results. This process combines pre-made hulls and decks with laminated flat panel construction to achieve a seamless stylish result. The finished craft has the appearance of a production power cat with no resemblance to a typical kit boat. Additional moulded parts are included with these kit packages to fast-track the assembly.
Easy set-up A major advantage of this system is that the boat is assembled the right way up. There is no need for a strong back, cutting and setting up temporary frames and bulkheads or turning hulls. In fact there are no temporary frames required in the hulls at all. The moulded hulls and decks help to add support to the longer flat hull panels providing a fair surface to follow.
Seamless Fit The pre-fabricated hulls and decks fit up to the flat panels precisely providing a smooth intersection. These panels are left unfitted until the interior fit-out is complete allowing open access and ventilation for any dusty work.
More Cutting The flat decks are supplied with computer-cut hatch openings to any preferred brand reducing build time. The stylish rounded cabin top is built over temporary frames which are fastened to the cabin sides. The cabin top is flat panel plain foam for weight-saving and is fixed to the temporary frames.
Modular Process Many sections of the boat are built in modules which are assembled in position on board but are removed for easy finishing on the workshop floor. The ease that this provides saves a significant amount of time and effort for the builder.
Material Options This kit is available in Endgrain balsa or foam cores.