The Jones family are well into their Spirited 480 project and are starting to see some results. With the shed still being built this didn't stop them starting on the furniture in their garage at home a bit over 18 months ago. Finally at the beginning of last year the shed was ready enough to take delivery of the balance of their kit. Since then there has been plenty of progress as shown in the photos below. Most of the major components are ready for the main assembly. We can't wait to see what the coming weeks hold because they have got until Easter to work full time on their boat. The level of work is impressive for first-time builders. Although this is not entirely accurate because you may remember that these builders tested their skills on a 3.2m Ripple tender before committing to the "mothership"!
Denise had this to say about the experience so far:
"Joining the panels has been fun seeing our jigsaw pieces taking shape. Some are large and some are small with some weird shapes but it all makes sense when I understand the plans.
I am amazed at how simple it all is and once it comes together will be awesome! I look forward to seeing our bulkheads put in to place shortly and our new home taking shape.
I have a whole lot of new skills for my resume!"
We will keep you posted on the progress of this one...

Current stage above, hulls positioned and bridgedeck ready to be raised.

It's all happeneing! Furniture done, tick! Bulkheads done, tick! Bridgedeck done, big tick!!

Bridgedeck being turned with the use of the excavator, and the hulls being towed up the driveway!