The owners of 'Siva' called in mid last year to say hello in Port Stephens on their way North. They mentioned that there was some damage on the Starboard hull side from a docking accident they would like repaired. We booked the job in for mid July which coincided with their return trip home. With regular comunication the list of jobs/improvements grew. Some of the jobs were things like electronic engine controls to replace the existing morse system and also relocate the engine control levers which were in an unpractical position. With this system we fitted a remote on the opposite helm which provides 'walk-around' control when docking on this side. Another change was to remove the plastic hatches in the top of the aft cockpit seat and fill-in, then cut in flush style doors in the front. Some other major jobs internally were to enlarge the fridge capacity which entailed cutting and modifying the cabinet, as well as increasing water capacity with three additional tanks.
On deck above the existing water tanks there were ugly raised covers which the owners wanted removed. These covers were unfortunately hiding a multitude of problems and this unplanned work was substantial. The covers were screwed into the deck and also the forward webs/dividers between the tanks and had let water into the balsa core. The affected area spread below anchor winch and surrounding fittings. Part of the instruction for this area was to enlarge the chain locker hatch which was fitted with a plastic spin-out which didn't allow adequate access. Another job in this area was to fit an electric halyard winch opposite the windlass and behind the rope locker. This entire area became a significant part of the work list. We also found that when the original openings were cut the blade had cut into parts of the tanks which required repair.
While cutting out the hatches in the aft cockpit seat more unplanned work was discovered with rotten balsa core which required the Port half of the seat top to be replaced. This was caused by a drain that was cut but not backfilled etc as it should be done. The owners also asked for the 5mm aluminium checker plate to be removed from the aft bottom hull steps and a new 3 rung swim ladder fitted. The checker plate was not only unsightly and heavy but very hot to tread on in hot conditions.
The long list of other jobs were too many to mention but most people know that there is no such thing as a 5 minute job on a boat!
It was touch and go to have the boat ready for launch on the 21st of December which was the last day of operation at the boat yard before Christmas closure but we got there!
Although not all the jobs got done we can now finish all loose ends on the water.