The first Ripple tender was launched in Devonport Tasmania earlier this month. Brian Furmage built his 3.6m Ripple from a Gaboon plywood kit and has done a very nice job of it.This was Brian’s first DIY boat-building project and he reports that he enjoyed the experience. The boat named B.S.F, performed well reaching a top speed of almost 22 knots with a 15hp outboard. Brian reports that the boat is very responsive and handles well.
This boat is set up with a built-in fuel tank in one of the forward seats and neat lockers under the aft seats. The forward locker below the foredeck has proven to remain totally dry even in one of his trials in some rough stuff in open waters.Brian plans to use B.S.F as a commuter between his home and the yacht club further along the river.

B.S.F may stand for some profanities if misjudging the bridge on the way home from the yacht club or it may be an abbreviation of his name, let’s hope it’s the latter!