The excited owners Peter and Clara Joyce, launched their Spirited 230 last week. Aptly named "Jigsaw", they have done a beautiful job of the finish and should be congratulated. This boat has been built to serve as a ferry to and from Moreton Island. The interior has been customised to suit this purpose. They are delighted with the performace and have reported:
"The boat performed very well, even got on the plane on one motor. cruises comfortably at 22 knots with a top speed of 27 knots. We launched in Pumicestone Passage and cruised out against 20 knot south easterly winds with 1 metre chop. Ride was very comfortable. Peter & I are very pleased with her and we are planning on a few more trips across the bay."
This boat is powered with twin 50hp outboards and built from the Duflex balsa kit. For more on this design click here...