This Spirited 230 is the very first boat sold, in fact the original owner/builder of this boat pitched the concept for the design to us and we designed it to suit his brief. In other words this design may have not existed without his input, and what a shame that would have been! The build was started in early 2008 and launched in May 2013. Shortly after this the boat was listed for sale with a local broker due to personal reasons, and the current owner bought the boat in May 2015 almost exactly 2 years after the launch. The new owners are delighted with the boat and sent this photo of the boat while on a trip to the Keppel Islands off Rockhampton where they live. They had this to say about their experience so far:
"All going really well with the boat, even though not been out since before Christmas. Before that we did have several magnificent short trips (three days at a time is enough) around the Keppels. The weather is fairly predictable here in the summer!"